Từ Trắc Học
Nghiên cứu từ vựng bằng các phương pháp định lượng (Lexicométrie / Lexicometry)
Friday, 21 August 2020
Diễn văn của Joe Biden tại Đại Hội Đảng Dân Chủ 2020
Good evening.
Ella Baker, a giant of the civil rights movement, left us with this wisdom: Give people light and they will find a way.
Give people light.
Those are words for our time.
The current president has cloaked America in darkness for much too long. Too much anger. Too much fear. Too much division.
and now, I give you my word: If you entrust me with the presidency, I
will draw on the best of us not the worst. I will be an ally of the
light not of the darkness.
It's time for us, for We the People, to come together.
make no mistake. United we can, and will, overcome this season of
darkness in America. We will choose hope over fear, facts over fiction,
fairness over privilege.
I am a
proud Democrat and I will be proud to carry the banner of our party into
the general election. So, it is with great honor and humility that I
accept this nomination for President of the United States of America.
while I will be a Democratic candidate, I will be an American
president. I will work as hard for those who didn't support me as I will
for those who did.
That's the job
of a president. To represent all of us, not just our base or our party.
This is not a partisan moment. This must be an American moment.
a moment that calls for hope and light and love. Hope for our futures,
light to see our way forward, and love for one another.
America isn't just a collection of clashing interests of Red States or Blue States.
We're so much bigger than that.
We're so much better than that.
Nearly a century ago, Franklin Roosevelt pledged a New Deal in a time of massive unemployment, uncertainty, and fear.
Stricken by disease, stricken by a virus, FDR insisted that he would recover and prevail and he believed America could as well.
And he did.
And so can we.
This campaign isn't just about winning votes.
It's about winning the heart, and yes, the soul of America.
it for the generous among us, not the selfish. Winning it for the
workers who keep this country going, not just the privileged few at the
top. Winning it for those communities who have known the injustice of
the "knee on the neck". For all the young people who have known only an
America of rising inequity and shrinking opportunity.
They deserve to experience America's promise in full.
No generation ever knows what history will ask of it. All we can ever know is whether we'll be ready when that moment arrives.
And now history has delivered us to one of the most difficult moments America has ever faced.
Four historic crises. All at the same time. A perfect storm.
The worst pandemic in over 100 years. The worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.
most compelling call for racial justice since the 60's. And the
undeniable realities and accelerating threats of climate change.
So, the question for us is simple: Are we ready?
I believe we are.
We must be.
All elections are important. But we know in our bones this one is more consequential.
America is at an inflection point. A time of real peril, but of extraordinary possibilities.
We can choose the path of becoming angrier, less hopeful, and more divided.
A path of shadow and suspicion.
Or we can choose a different path, and together, take this chance to heal, to be reborn, to unite. A path of hope and light.
This is a life-changing election that will determine America's future for a very long time.
Character is on the ballot. Compassion is on the ballot. Decency, science, democracy.
They are all on the ballot.
Who we are as a nation. What we stand for. And, most importantly, who we want to be.
That's all on the ballot.
And the choice could not be clearer.
No rhetoric is needed.
Just judge this president on the facts.
5 million Americans infected with COVID-19.
More than 170,000 Americans have died.
By far the worst performance of any nation on Earth.
More than 50 million people have filed for unemployment this year.
More than 10 million people are going to lose their health insurance this year.
Nearly one in 6 small businesses have closed this year.
If this president is re-elected we know what will happen.
Cases and deaths will remain far too high.
More mom and pop businesses will close their doors for good.
families will struggle to get by, and yet, the wealthiest one percent
will get tens of billions of dollars in new tax breaks.
the assault on the Affordable Care Act will continue until its
destroyed, taking insurance away from more than 20 million people --
including more than 15 million people on Medicaid -- and getting rid of
the protections that President Obama and I passed for people who suffer
from a pre-existing condition.
speaking of President Obama, a man I was honored to serve alongside for 8
years as Vice President. Let me take this moment to say something we
don't say nearly enough.
Thank you, Mr. President. You were a great president. A president our children could -- and did -- look up to.
No one will say that about the current occupant of the office.
What we know about this president is if he's given four more years he will be what he's been the last four years.
president who takes no responsibility, refuses to lead, blames others,
cozies up to dictators, and fans the flames of hate and division.
He will wake up every day believing the job is all about him. Never about you.
Is that the America you want for you, your family, your children?
I see a different America.
One that is generous and strong.
Selfless and humble.
It's an America we can rebuild together.
As president, the first step I will take will be to get control of the virus that's ruined so many lives.
Because I understand something this president doesn't.
will never get our economy back on track, we will never get our kids
safely back to school, we will never have our lives back, until we deal
with this virus.
The tragedy of where we are today is it didn't have to be this bad.
Just look around.
It's not this bad in Canada. Or Europe. Or Japan. Or almost anywhere else in the world.
President keeps telling us the virus is going to disappear. He keeps
waiting for a miracle. Well, I have news for him, no miracle is coming.
We lead the world in confirmed cases. We lead the world in deaths.
Our economy is in tatters, with Black, Latino, Asian American, and Native American communities bearing the brunt of it.
And after all this time, the president still does not have a plan.
Well, I do.
If I'm president on day one we'll implement the national strategy I've been laying out since March.
We'll develop and deploy rapid tests with results available immediately.
make the medical supplies and protective equipment our country needs.
And we'll make them here in America. So we will never again be at the
mercy of China and other foreign countries in order to protect our own
We'll make sure our schools have the resources they need to be open, safe, and effective.
put the politics aside and take the muzzle off our experts so the
public gets the information they need and deserve. The honest,
unvarnished truth. They can deal with that.
We'll have a national mandate to wear a mask-not as a burden, but to protect each other.
It's a patriotic duty.
In short, I will do what we should have done from the very beginning.
Our current president has failed in his most basic duty to this nation.
He failed to protect us.
He failed to protect America.
And, my fellow Americans, that is unforgivable.
president, I will make you this promise: I will protect America. I will
defend us from every attack. Seen. And unseen. Always. Without
exception. Every time.
Look, I understand it's hard to have hope right now.
On this summer night, let me take a moment to speak to those of you who have lost the most.
know how it feels to lose someone you love. I know that deep black hole
that opens up in your chest. That you feel your whole being is sucked
into it. I know how mean and cruel and unfair life can be sometimes.
But I've learned two things.
First, your loved ones may have left this Earth but they never leave your heart. They will always be with you.
And second, I found the best way through pain and loss and grief is to find purpose.
As God's children each of us have a purpose in our lives.
we have a great purpose as a nation: To open the doors of opportunity
to all Americans. To save our democracy. To be a light to the world once
To finally live up to and
make real the words written in the sacred documents that founded this
nation that all men and women are created equal. Endowed by their
Creator with certain unalienable rights. Among them life, liberty, and
the pursuit of happiness.
You know, my Dad was an honorable, decent man.
He got knocked down a few times pretty hard, but always got up.
He worked hard and built a great middle-class life for our family.
He used to say, "Joey, I don't expect the government to solve my problems, but I expect it to understand them."
then he would say: "Joey, a job is about a lot more than a paycheck.
It's about your dignity. It's about respect. It's about your place in
your community. It's about looking your kids in the eye and say, honey,
it's going to be okay."
I've never forgotten those lessons.
why my economic plan is all about jobs, dignity, respect, and
community. Together, we can, and we will, rebuild our economy. And when
we do, we'll not only build it back, we'll build it back better.
modern roads, bridges, highways, broadband, ports and airports as a new
foundation for economic growth. With pipes that transport clean water
to every community. With 5 million new manufacturing and technology jobs
so the future is made in America.
a health care system that lowers premiums, deductibles, and drug prices
by building on the Affordable Care Act he's trying to rip away.
an education system that trains our people for the best jobs of the
21st century, where cost doesn't prevent young people from going to
college, and student debt doesn't crush them when they get out.
child care and elder care that make it possible for parents to go to
work and for the elderly to stay in their homes with dignity. With an
immigration system that powers our economy and reflects our values. With
newly empowered labor unions. With equal pay for women. With rising
wages you can raise a family on. Yes, we're going to do more than praise
our essential workers. We're finally going to pay them.
can, and we will, deal with climate change. It's not only a crisis,
it's an enormous opportunity. An opportunity for America to lead the
world in clean energy and create millions of new good-paying jobs in the
And we can pay for these
investments by ending loopholes and the president's $1.3 trillion tax
giveaway to the wealthiest 1 percent and the biggest, most profitable
corporations, some of which pay no tax at all.
we don't need a tax code that rewards wealth more than it rewards work.
I'm not looking to punish anyone. Far from it. But it's long past time
the wealthiest people and the biggest corporations in this country paid
their fair share.
For our seniors,
Social Security is a sacred obligation, a sacred promise made. The
current president is threatening to break that promise. He's proposing
to eliminate the tax that pays for almost half of Social Security
without any way of making up for that lost revenue.
I will not let it happen. If I'm your president, we're going to protect Social Security and Medicare. You have my word.
of the most powerful voices we hear in the country today is from our
young people. They're speaking to the inequity and injustice that has
grown up in America. Economic injustice. Racial injustice. Environmental
I hear their voices
and if you listen, you can hear them too. And whether it's the
existential threat posed by climate change, the daily fear of being
gunned down in school, or the inability to get started in their first
job — it will be the work of the next president to restore the promise
of America to everyone.
I won't
have to do it alone. Because I will have a great Vice President at my
side. Senator Kamala Harris. She is a powerful voice for this nation.
Her story is the American story. She knows about all the obstacles
thrown in the way of so many in our country. Women, Black women, Black
Americans, South Asian Americans, immigrants, the left-out and
But she's overcome
every obstacle she's ever faced. No one's been tougher on the big banks
or the gun lobby. No one's been tougher in calling out this current
administration for its extremism, its failure to follow the law, and its
failure to simply tell the truth.
Kamala and I both draw strength from our families. For Kamala, it's Doug and their families.
For me, it's Jill and ours.
man deserves one great love in his life. But I've known two. After
losing my first wife in a car accident, Jill came into my life and put
our family back together.
She's an
educator. A mom. A military Mom. And an unstoppable force. If she puts
her mind to it, just get out of the way. Because she's going to get it
done. She was a great Second Lady and she will make a great First Lady
for this nation, she loves this country so much.
I will have the strength that can only come from family. Hunter, Ashley
and all our grandchildren, my brothers, my sister. They give me courage
and lift me up.
And while he is no longer with us, Beau inspires me every day.
Beau served our nation in uniform. A decorated Iraq war veteran.
So I take very personally the profound responsibility of serving as Commander in Chief.
will be a president who will stand with our allies and friends. I will
make it clear to our adversaries the days of cozying up to dictators are
Under President Biden,
America will not turn a blind eye to Russian bounties on the heads of
American soldiers. Nor will I put up with foreign interference in our
most sacred democratic exercise -- voting.
will stand always for our values of human rights and dignity. And I
will work in common purpose for a more secure, peaceful, and prosperous
History has thrust one more
urgent task on us. Will we be the generation that finally wipes the
stain of racism from our national character?
I believe we're up to it.
I believe we're ready.
Just a week ago yesterday was the third anniversary of the events in Charlottesville.
seeing those neo-Nazis and Klansmen and white supremacists coming out
of the fields with lighted torches? Veins bulging? Spewing the same
anti-Semitic bile heard across Europe in the '30s?
Remember the violent clash that ensued between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it?
Remember what the president said?
There were quote, "very fine people on both sides."
It was a wake-up call for us as a country.
for me, a call to action. At that moment, I knew I'd have to run. My
father taught us that silence was complicity. And I could not remain
silent or complicit.
At the time, I said we were in a battle for the soul of this nation.
And we are.
One of the most important conversations I've had this entire campaign is with someone who is too young to vote.
I met with six-year old Gianna Floyd, a day before her Daddy George Floyd was laid to rest.
She is incredibly brave.
I'll never forget.
When I leaned down to speak with her, she looked into my eyes and said "Daddy, changed the world."
Her words burrowed deep into my heart.
Maybe George Floyd's murder was the breaking point.
Maybe John Lewis' passing the inspiration.
it has come to be, America is ready to in John's words, to lay down
"the heavy burdens of hate at last" and to do the hard work of rooting
out our systemic racism.
history tells us that it has been in our darkest moments that we've made
our greatest progress. That we've found the light. And in this dark
moment, I believe we are poised to make great progress again. That we
can find the light once more.
I have always believed you can define America in one word: Possibilities.
in America, everyone, and I mean everyone, should be given the
opportunity to go as far as their dreams and God-given ability will take
We can never lose that. In
times as challenging as these, I believe there is only one way forward.
As a united America. United in our pursuit of a more perfect Union.
United in our dreams of a better future for us and for our children.
United in our determination to make the coming years bright.
Are we ready?
I believe we are.
This is a great nation.
And we are a good and decent people.
This is the United States of America.
And there has never been anything we've been unable to accomplish when we've done it together.
The Irish poet Seamus Heaney once wrote:
"History says,
Don't hope on this side of the grave,
But then, once in a lifetime
The longed-for tidal wave
Of justice can rise up,
And hope and history rhyme"
This is our moment to make hope and history rhyme.
passion and purpose, let us begin -- you and I together, one nation,
under God -- united in our love for America and united in our love for
each other.
For love is more powerful than hate.
Hope is more powerful than fear.
Light is more powerful than dark.
This is our moment.
This is our mission.
history be able to say that the end of this chapter of American
darkness began here tonight as love and hope and light joined in the
battle for the soul of the nation.
And this is a battle that we, together, will win.
I promise you.
Thank you.
And may God bless you.
And may God protect our troops.
Monday, 10 August 2020
Tại sao sinh viên Võ Bị Đà Lạt được gọi là cùi ?
Ông Mai Trung Ngọc, một cựu sinh viên sĩ quan Võ Bị Đà Lạt, giải thích:
Các SVSQ K14, 15, 16, 17, 18 được Chỉ Huy Trưởng Trần Ngọc Huyến gọi là "Cùi", chúng tôi cũng tự gọi nhau là "Cùi". Có lần người viết hỏi ông "Cùi" có nghĩa là gì, thì ông nói "Cùi nghĩa là Cùi chứ còn gì nữa", nhưng tất cả đều hiểu rằng ông muốn các học trò của ông đừng bao giờ tự mãn, tự thị hãy học thêm để phục vụ những việc tốt đẹp. Chỉ Huy Trưởng Trần Ngọc Huyến nay đã tạ thế, tôi viết các dòng trên như để tưởng niệm 1 bậc Thày
Tôi nghi ông Huyến chơi chữ. Tiếng Pháp lépreux (cùi) đồng âm với les preux (những chàng dũng sĩ).
Sunday, 21 June 2020
Một nhà giáo tâm huyết với nghề (Đại Học Quốc Gia Hà Nội)
Một nhà giáo tâm huyết với nghề
Giáo sư, tiến sĩ, Nhà giáo Ưu tú Nguyễn Đức Dân sinh năm 1936, quê quán tại xã Hoàng Xá, huyện Ý Yên, tỉnh Hà Nam. Ông là một trong các hậu duệ xuất sắc của cụ Tam Nguyên Yên Đổ - nhà thơ Nguyễn Khuyến. Năm nay ngấp nghé bước vào tuổi bát thập, cái tuổi được gọi là “xưa nay hiếm”, thế nhưng hiếm khi người ta thấy ông lại nghỉ ngơi.
yêu thích chuyên môn và lòng say mê với sự nghiệp “trồng người” khiến
giáo sư quên đi cả những năm tháng tuổi già để “trẻ lại” cùng các thế hệ
học trò thân yêu và với các bộ môn khoa học non trẻ mà ông là một trong
các chuyên gia đầu ngành có công tạo dựng ở Việt Nam. Đó là môn Ngôn
ngữ học thống kê, ký hiệu học và một bộ môn thuộc khoa học liên ngành:
Lô gích và tiếng Việt. Đó là những môn “độc chiêu” mà ông đã tham gia
giảng dạy trong suốt mấy chục năm qua ở nhiều trường đại học khác nhau.
Vốn xuất thân từ một giáo viên dạy Toán
(ông tốt nghiệp Khoa Toán, Trường Đại học Sư phạm Hà Nội năm 1957), sau
khi được đào tạo tiến sĩ tại Ba Lan. Về nước, giáo sư Nguyễn Đức Dân trở
thành một cánh chim đầu đàn của môn Ngôn ngữ học thống kê tại Khoa Ngữ
văn, Trường Đại học Tổng hợp Hà Nội từ thập niên 70 của thế kỷ trước. Ưu
thế của tư duy toán học đã giúp ông nhanh chóng nắm bắt các tri thức cơ
bản của ngôn ngữ học để sau này tự rèn luyện, làm việc và nghiên cứu,
trở thành một nhà nghiên cứu tài ba trên nhiều lĩnh vực chuyên ngành và
liên ngành với 18 công trình nghiên cứu (cả viết chung) được xuất bản và
40 bài báo chuyên môn đã công bố trên những tạp chí khoa học trong và
ngoài. Trong đó, tiêu biểu là là các công trình về Ngôn ngữ học thống
kê, Từ điển, Lô gích-ngữ nghĩa và cú pháp, Lô gích và tiếng Việt, Ngữ
dụng học… Điểm đáng chú ý là, ngay từ gần nửa thế kỷ trước, khi nhiều
nhà nghiên cứu còn giương cao chủ thuyết tích cực đi vào “chuyên môn
hẹp” với tinh thần “càng hẹp càng sâu” thì GS. Nguyễn Đức Dân đã nhìn
thấy tính tất yếu của nghiên cứu liên ngành. Bởi vậy, ngay từ buổi mới
“vào cuộc” ngoài cái lĩnh vực rất chuyên sâu (ngôn ngữ học thống kê) ông
đã hướng tới một chân trời khoa học mà ở đó cần phải có sự liên kết
chặt chẽ của nhiều ngành khoa học mới có thể nhận thức bản chất của đối
tượng một cách sâu sắc. Với cách nhìn tỉnh táo đó, ông đã mạnh dạn khoan
những mũi khoan vào nhiều điểm khác nhau của một đối tượng “khổng lồ”
là tiếng Việt trên nhiều phương diện nghiên cứu ở cấp độ từ, cú pháp,
văn bản. Những công trình nghiên cứu và các bài báo khoa học của ông vì
thế luôn có một nét riêng không dễ trộn lẫn với các nhà nghiên cứu khác.
Nó mở ra một hướng đi mới trong nghiên cứu tiếng Việt bên cạnh các xu
hướng nghiên cứu truyền thống, nghiên cứu đơn ngành.
Giáo sư, Tiến sĩ, Nhà giáo Ưu tú Nguyễn Đức Dân/Ảnh: Thành Long
Các thế hệ học trò được GS. Nguyễn Đức Dân
đào tạo thường tiếp thu được ở ông những thao tác nghiêm ngặt trong
nghiên cứu và phương pháp tư duy chặt chẽ. Đây là một đặc điểm nổi bật
trong các công trình khoa học của ông. Có được kết quả này là do ông vốn
đi lên từ một chuyên gia về lô gích học lại xuất thân từ nghề dạy toán.
Những con số chính xác cộng với thói quen của lô gích lập luận làm cho
các công trình khoa học của ông luôn có được một cấu trúc hoàn chỉnh.
Trong đó, mọi miêu tả, phân tích đều dựa trên những cơ sở khoa học chắc
chắn, với những số liệu minh chứng rõ ràng. Bởi vậy, nhiều vấn đề mới
ông khai phá, tuy không phải lúc nào cũng dễ tiếp cận đối với tất cả
những ai đang làm công tác nghiên cứu chuyên ngành, vẫn có tính thuyết
phục. Đó là chưa nói, một số vấn đề lý thuyết khi ông triển khai vào
thực tiễn lại tạo ra những hấp dẫn riêng.
Có thể nói, một đời làm thầy, GS. Nguyễn
Đức Dân chưa lúc nào ngừng công việc nghiên cứu, khám phá, sáng tạo. Ông
luôn coi việc nghiên cứu là một nhiệm vụ vô cùng quan trọng đối với
công tác đào tạo ở bậc đại học, nhất là với các trung tâm nghiên cứu
khoa học cơ bản như Trường Đại học Tổng hợp Hà Nội, Đại học Tổng hợp Tp
Hồ Chí Minh trước đây và hiện nay là Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội và Đại học
Quốc gia Tp Hồ Chí Minh. Bởi không nghiên cứu sẽ không thể cập nhật với
trình độ khoa học của thế giới và không thể có “vốn” để đào tạo các sinh
viên và nghiên cứu sinh. Cho nên, ngay từ ba, bốn chục năm trước, ông
đã cùng với nhiều nhà giáo lão thành của Bộ môn Ngôn ngữ học (nay là
Khoa Ngôn ngữ học, Trường Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn) luôn chú ý
đến việc gắn lý thuyết với thực tiến, gắn việc học tập với nghiên cứu
khoa học ngay trong đội ngũ sinh viên. Có không ít sinh viên giỏi, ngay
từ năm thứ hai, thứ ba đã viết thành công những khoá luận và báo cáo
khoa học ở lĩnh vực nghiên cứu chuyên ngành. Một số sinh viên xuất sắc
được ông hướng dẫn luận văn tốt nghiệp đại học (bây giờ gọi là khoá luận
tốt nghiệp cử nhân) ngay sau khi rời ghế nhà trường đã có các bài
nghiên cứu đăng trên tạp chí. Trong số đó, nhiều người đến nay đã trở
thành các nhà nghiên cứu có tên tuổi.
Ảnh: Thành Long
GS. Nguyễn Đức Dân là người sống rất trọng
tình. Đó là cái tình không chỉ ồn ào, thoáng qua mà sâu lắng bền lâu.
Từ năm 1988, do nhu cầu công tác, ông và một số giáo sư lão thành của
ngành Ngữ văn đã vào thành phố Hồ Chí Minh để xây dựng và phát triển đội
ngũ các nhà khoa học ở phía Nam sau khi đất nước thống nhất. Con đường
dài hai ngàn cây số không bao giờ làm giảm nhiệt tình của ông đối với
cái nôi khoa học, nơi ông lập nghiệp từ thuở ban đầu. Đó là Khoa Ngữ văn
Trường Đại học Tổng hợp Hà Nội. Hàng năm “đến hẹn lại lên”, ông thường
ra Hà Nội giảng dạy tại các cơ sở đào tạo hoặc tham gia phản biện luận
án tién sĩ ở một số hội đồng chấm luận án tiến sĩ cấp Nhà nước. Ông cũng
là thành viên tích cực tham gia giảng dạy chuyên đề sau đại học và
giảng dạy các môn học cơ bản, nâng cao cho sinh viên hệ Chất lượng cao
của Khoa Ngôn ngữ học Trường ĐHKHXH&NV, ĐHQGHN. Mỗi lần ra Bắc, ông
không quên các học trò cũ của mình nay đang công tác tại trường và các
cơ quan, viện nghiên cứu ở Hà Nội. Ông thường dành những cuốn sách mới
xuất bản đem tặng học trò. Đồng thời ông cũng vô cùng phấn khởi mỗi khi
các trò của mình có một công trình được xuất bản. Cái tình của ông thật
trầm lắng mà sâu sắc. Nó được thể hiện ở mỗi cuộc gặp gỡ, mỗi phút trò
chuyện. Không chỉ có niềm vui, mà ngay cả ai đó có nỗi buồn, gặp trắc
trở hay oan khiên, ông đều cảm thông, chia sẻ, động viên bằng những lời
mộc mạc nhưng vô cùng cảm động.
GS. Nguyễn Đức Dân còn là một người nhiệt
huyết và đầy trách nhiệm. Nhắc đến ông, mặc dù mấy chục năm đã trôi
qua, nhưng đến nay nhiều người trong Khoa Ngữ văn vẫn còn nhớ đến công
lao không nhỏ của ông trong việc kiến tạo ra những mối quan hệ hợp tác
với nước ngoài. Đó là năm 1979-1980, khi sang giảng dạy tại Đại học
Paris 7 (Cộng hoà Pháp) ông đã mở ra một chặng đường mới trong hợp tác
giảng dạy giữa hai trường Đại học Paris 7 và Đại học Tổng hợp Hà Nội. Có
nhiều chuyến công du của các thầy cô giáo Khoa Ngữ văn sang nước Pháp
bắt đầu từ đây. Chỉ riêng việc tạo cầu nối cho những người đi sau tiếp
tục “xuất dương” có thể nói ông là một người rất có ý thức trách nhiệm
đối với đồng nghiệp và thế hệ trẻ.
Sự nghiệp đào tạo của giáo sư đã trải qua
gần nửa thế kỷ. Bây giờ khắp ba miền Trung - Nam - Bắc đều có những học
trò được ông đào tạo đã trở thành các nhà nghiên cứu, giáo sư, tiến sĩ.
Không những thế, ông còn có công đào tạo nhiều sinh viên, nghiên cứu
sinh nước ngoài. Cho đến nay, ông đã hướng dẫn thành công tổng cộng là
10 luận án tiến sĩ và phó tiến sĩ.
Được Nhà nước phong hàm Giáo sư từ năm
1996, ông luôn phát huy những năng lực chuyên môn của mình để vừa giảng
dạy, vừa nghiên cứu và đào tạo các thế hệ cử nhân, thạc sĩ và tiến sĩ.
Cho đến nay, ngoài các bài viết đăng trên tạp chí chuyên ngành ông còn
cho xuất bản nhiều công trình nghiên cứu có giá trị như: Dictionnaire de fréquence du Vietnamien, Ngôn ngữ học thống kê: Tuyển tập tiếng cười thế giới, Từ điển các từ tiếng Việt gốc Pháp (viết chung), Hội Nghiên cứu và Giảng dạy Lôgích và tiếng Việt, Tiếng Việt: dùng cho đại học đại cương, Nhập môn thống kê ngôn ngữ học, Ngữ dụng học, Thống kê ngôn ngữ học: một số ứng dụng, Nhập môn Logic hình thức & Logic phi hình thức, Từ câu sai đến câu hay.
Năm nay, GS. Nguyễn Đức Dân sắp bước sang
tuổi 79. Các thế hệ học trò vẫn đang chờ đón những bài giảng của ông để
học ông một phong cách làm việc, rèn luyện và phấn đấu không mệt mỏi
cùng với những tri thức mà ông đã tích luỹ của một đời tâm huyết làm
thầy và làm khoa học.
+ Đơn vị công tác: Khoa Ngữ văn (Trường Đại học Tổng hợp Hà Nội).
Dictionnaire de fréquence du vietnamien (avec la collaboration de Lê Quang Thiêm), Ed. Paris VII, 1980.
Ngôn ngữ học thống kê , NXB Đại học và Trung học Chuyên nghiệp, 1984.
Logic - ngữ nghĩa - cú pháp, NXB Đại học và Trung học chuyên nghiệp, 1987.
Lôgích và tiếng Việt, NXB Giáo dục, Hà Nội, 1996.
Ngữ pháp tạo sinh,NXB Đại học Quốc gia Tp HCM, 2012.
Từ câu sai đến câu hay, NXB Giáo dục, Hà Nội, 2013.
Saturday, 20 June 2020
Sách cũ, mới tìm được trên mạng

Cảm ơn những người đã bỏ công scan sách.
Monday, 23 March 2020
Low là bao nhiêu ?
ScoMo thủ tướng Úc nhất định không chịu đóng của trường học. Y dõng dạc tuyên bố là y chỉ nghe lời chuyên gia y tế. Và chuyên gia y tế thì khẳng định như đinh đóng cột rằng bọn trẻ rất khó dính cô vy.
Mr Morrison said he was following the advice of the Government's health experts and young people were a low-risk group.
Trẻ con Úc thật là đặc biệt.
Trong khi trẻ con nước người ta không được đến trường trong mùa dịch thì trẻ con Úc vẫn cứ đi học, chả sao. Low risk.
Trẻ em Úc ở trường từ 9 giờ sáng đến 3 giờ chiều thì low risk, nhưng ở nhà vào giờ đó thì high risk cho người thân. Sau khung giờ đó thì no risk, có lẽ thế.
Từ 9 giờ sáng đến 3 giờ chiều, trẻ em Úc nếu không đi học sẽ rủ nhau tụ tập hoang đàng, lại thành ra high risk. Hàng quán, rạp chớp bóng, khu vui chơi đóng cửa hết rồi thì tụ tập ở đâu, high risk ở đâu?
Giờ chỉ còn một chỗ khả dĩ cho học sinh tụ tập là trường học. Ở trường thầy cô sẽ nhắc các em thực hành social distancing. Nếu các em không nghe lời cũng chẳng sao vì các em thuộc nhóm low risk. Còn giáo viên thuộc nhóm gì thì không ai biết. Nhưng không có súng như cảnh sát đi bắt người lớn distancing.
Ba mươi phần trăm nhân viên y tế Úc cần có người giữ con cho họ đi làm. Không khó hiểu tại sao các chuyên gia y tế cứ xúi chính phủ Úc mở cửa trường trong mùa dịch. Rồi đến một ngày ai cũng lăn ra bệnh hết, ai sẽ giữ con cho số ba mươi phần trăm đó ?
ScoMo lo trẻ em Úc sẽ mất một năm đi học nhưng y không lo trẻ em Úc có thể mất mạng vì cô vy.
(Mr Morrison said he did not want to see children lose a year of their education, but parents could keep their kids home if they chose to.). Sở dĩ ScoMo không lo là vì đã có những anh uy tín cùng mình đứng ra bảo đảm cho rồi. Cũng chính các ông bà chuyên gia ấy đã từng advice chính phủ trì hoãn việc đóng cửa khẩu (vì không thấy risk), cho phép du thuyền đổ khách lên bờ (vì không thấy risk đâu hết) v.v. Giờ đây dịch chạy tùm lum, risk thấp hay cao ai cũng thấy rồi nhưng họ vẫn can đảm đứng ra cố vấn cho chính phủ. Và chính phủ ScoMo vẫn can đảm nghe lời họ. Lại còn can đảm thừa nhận là chỉ nghe lời họ.
Mr Morrison said he was following the advice of the Government's health experts and young people were a low-risk group.
Trẻ con Úc thật là đặc biệt.
Trong khi trẻ con nước người ta không được đến trường trong mùa dịch thì trẻ con Úc vẫn cứ đi học, chả sao. Low risk.
Trẻ em Úc ở trường từ 9 giờ sáng đến 3 giờ chiều thì low risk, nhưng ở nhà vào giờ đó thì high risk cho người thân. Sau khung giờ đó thì no risk, có lẽ thế.
Từ 9 giờ sáng đến 3 giờ chiều, trẻ em Úc nếu không đi học sẽ rủ nhau tụ tập hoang đàng, lại thành ra high risk. Hàng quán, rạp chớp bóng, khu vui chơi đóng cửa hết rồi thì tụ tập ở đâu, high risk ở đâu?
Giờ chỉ còn một chỗ khả dĩ cho học sinh tụ tập là trường học. Ở trường thầy cô sẽ nhắc các em thực hành social distancing. Nếu các em không nghe lời cũng chẳng sao vì các em thuộc nhóm low risk. Còn giáo viên thuộc nhóm gì thì không ai biết. Nhưng không có súng như cảnh sát đi bắt người lớn distancing.
Ba mươi phần trăm nhân viên y tế Úc cần có người giữ con cho họ đi làm. Không khó hiểu tại sao các chuyên gia y tế cứ xúi chính phủ Úc mở cửa trường trong mùa dịch. Rồi đến một ngày ai cũng lăn ra bệnh hết, ai sẽ giữ con cho số ba mươi phần trăm đó ?
ScoMo lo trẻ em Úc sẽ mất một năm đi học nhưng y không lo trẻ em Úc có thể mất mạng vì cô vy.
(Mr Morrison said he did not want to see children lose a year of their education, but parents could keep their kids home if they chose to.). Sở dĩ ScoMo không lo là vì đã có những anh uy tín cùng mình đứng ra bảo đảm cho rồi. Cũng chính các ông bà chuyên gia ấy đã từng advice chính phủ trì hoãn việc đóng cửa khẩu (vì không thấy risk), cho phép du thuyền đổ khách lên bờ (vì không thấy risk đâu hết) v.v. Giờ đây dịch chạy tùm lum, risk thấp hay cao ai cũng thấy rồi nhưng họ vẫn can đảm đứng ra cố vấn cho chính phủ. Và chính phủ ScoMo vẫn can đảm nghe lời họ. Lại còn can đảm thừa nhận là chỉ nghe lời họ.
Sunday, 22 March 2020
Phát biểu mở đầu của ScoMo (thủ tướng Úc) tại cuộc họp báo ớ Quốc Hội Liên Bang ngày 22 tháng 3 năm 2020
Nguồn : https://www.pm.gov.au/media/press-conference-australian-parliament-house-act-22march
We’re a strong nation, we’re a strong people, and in the months ahead, we're going to find out just how strong we are. We have the example and inspiration of generations that have dealt with challenges like this before. And we have the advantage of the lessons that they have passed on to us about how we can stick together to stick this through, to build a bridge to the recovery on the other side.
We cannot prevent all the many hardships, all the many sacrifices. That we will face in the months ahead. And while these hardships and these sacrifices may break our hearts on occasion, we must not let them break our spirit. And we must not let them break our resolve as Australians.
Today, we are making important announcements to support those Australians that will be in the frontline of the blows that we will experience, the economic blows we will experience as a result of the global health crisis, which is the coronavirus and its severe economic impacts. To cushion the blow as much as we can to build a bridge to the recovery on the other side. But we must remember first and foremost that this is a health crisis. The health battle is the main battle that we face. The health battle is the battle that all Australians are enlisted in as we fight this virus. As a national cabinet we have already taken significant actions. But we know more will need to be done.
Our capacity in hospitals and aged care facilities and our workforce challenges are all matters that the National Cabinet is addressing as is indeed our individual cabinets at federal and state level, securing the essential medical supplies has been a daily task that the Health Minister has been leading together with the Industry Minister and other Ministers across the Cabinet. And enforcing the social distancing, keeping a healthy physical distance from one another. This is one of our most, if not our most important weapon against the spread of the coronavirus, which means we can save lives and we can save livelihoods. I brought forward the next meeting of the National Cabinet to this evening after consulting with Premiers and Chief Ministers yesterday on a range of matters. As you know, last Friday when we met, we had scheduled our next meeting to focus on the issue of further and stronger measures to deal with local outbreaks within state jurisdictions. We are bringing forward consideration of those matters to a meeting this evening. Also, after consulting Premiers and Chief Ministers overnight, we have decided that we are moving immediately to recommend against all nonessential travel in Australia. So that is that all non-essential travel should be cancelled. Now, essential travel, what referring to is for work related activities that are essential. It could be the compassionate grounds and issues of those types of arrangements. But also when it comes to essential supplies and activities, movements of health workers and and other important arrangements that are needed to keep Australia running.
Our other message as a group of leaders at national and state and territory level is this, to fight the virus we need you more than anyone. We need you to comply with the healthy distancing, the social distancing measures that we have put in place. What happened at Bondi Beach yesterday was not okay and served as a message to federal and state leaders that too many Australians are not taking these issues seriously enough. So the measures that we’ll be considering tonight means that state Premiers and Chief Ministers may have to take far more draconian measures to enforce social distancing, particularly in areas of outbreaks, than might otherwise need be the case. The more Australians themselves assist us in this fight against the virus to protect lives and to protect livelihoods, the more and the better able we are to ensure that Australia comes out stronger on the other side. So it's a simple plea. We need you, we need you to do your bit when it comes to social distancing, to keeping that healthy distance, to respecting and following the rules that we're setting down. But more stronger measures will be coming and they will be coming in more localised areas to deal with outbreaks. Those decisions will be being made by state Premiers and Chief Ministers as they apply to their individual jurisdictions. We will also be working hard to ensure that the scaling of those measures and the identification of areas of outbreak that require those measures will be as far as possible, consistent between state and territory jurisdictions. What that means is what may be necessary in a part of Sydney may not be necessary at all in rural New South Wales or indeed in Perth or other parts of the country. But please be assured that what we're working on is to ensure that there is a consistent, as far as possible, set of measures, set of tools that state Premiers and Chief Ministers can use to apply in each of their cases. So if you see it happening in one part of the country, that doesn't necessarily mean it has to apply in your part of the country. There are parts of the country, particularly in Sydney, where these outbreaks have been more severe. And I know the Premier in New South Wales has been focusing on this very, very keenly, particularly over the course of recent days, as we've seen the increase in the number of cases in New South Wales.
The other point I'd make is that the Commonwealth is working to support state jurisdictions wherever we possibly can. Not only have we increased our resourcing to the health system and working closely with them through the medical expert panel. But even as recently as last night, we were mobilising additional personnel out of the Australian Defence Forces to assist state and territory jurisdictions with things like contract tracing, so these are people with medical backgrounds or at least some form of knowledge gained through their training and experience in the defence forces, which means they'll be able to add further weight and support to states, some of which are coming under great pressure with the rising number of cases.
Let me now turn to the economic support package and I'll ask the Treasurer to go through these measures in greater detail. And I thank the Expenditure Review Committee and all Ministers who've been working closely on these issues over the course of the past week. I also want to commend the state and territory governments for the measures that they have been taking when it comes to addressing the economic needs in their jurisdictions.
The package of measures, combined with those we've already announced sums to some $189 billion or around 10 per cent of the size of our economy. 10 per cent of the size of our economy, that is unprecedented in this country. What we'll be doing as I said is focusing on those in the frontline. Those who will be feeling the first blows of the economic impacts of the coronavirus. We will be supercharging our safety net. We'll be supporting the most vulnerable to the impacts of the crisis. Those who will feel those first blows. To preserve the businesses that comprise our economy so on the other side, they can bounce back strongly and don't have to reassemble themselves from the ruins of failed businesses. I also want to note that this is a set of measures which is about looking over the next six months. There is no two week quick fix. There is no four week shutdown and it all goes away and we all get to go on about our businesses. I've seen those suggestions. The medical advice is very clear. There is no quick solution. We have to steel ourselves for at least the next six months and the measures that we put in place we need to be prepared to carry on for at least the next six months. They need to be sustainable. They need to be scalable.
I also want to note, the measures that we announced today, come on top of the normal stabilizers that occur in our economy, access to family tax benefits, access to other benefit payments, rental assistance, all of these things as access to primary payments like the jobseeker payment and others kick in. So when someone gets access to the jobseeker payment and the Treasurer will be taking you through that because we're expanding the eligibility, that means they also get access to many other payments that can add hundreds and hundreds of dollars per fortnight to their annual income. This is about supercharging the safety net. The measures will double income support for those on jobseeker. They will help Australians to access more of their own resources to get through this time of crisis. They'll provide more support for pensioners and carers and the other most vulnerable groups who are recipients of benefit payments. It will provide a life line to cushion the blow for small and medium sized businesses with grants of up to $100,000 to see them through, and it'll also provide a shield to protect you. Whether it's issues of insolvency or bankruptcy, the normal rules aren't going to apply here. We want to make sure people are there on the other side. We have to change the rules for this period to make sure more, more and more Australians get through this to the other side so they can bounce back strongly when it's over.
This will not be the Treasurer and my last visit to this podium, these podiums, to make announcements on these measures. This is the next tranche. It's focusing on those who are going to feel the first blows. There will be more packages. There will be more support. There will be more issues that even now haven't presented themselves or even couldn't be conceived at this point with what we may face over the next six months. And we will be working night and day to ensure that we bring forward the measures that Australia needs to get them on this bridge to the recovery on the other side.
The more we work together, the more we share the load, the more we share the sacrifice, the more we do the right thing together as Australians, the more lives we will save, the more livelihoods we will be able to preserve, and the stronger we will all be on the other side.
Dưới đây là kết quả phân tích bằng Text Analyser ở https://www.online-utility.org/text/analyzer.jsp
Number of characters (including spaces) : | 10143 |
Number of characters (without spaces) : | 8187 |
Number of words : | 1779 |
Lexical Density : | 29.0613 |
Number of sentences : | 82 |
Number of syllables : | 2692 |
Some top phrases containing 8 words (without punctuation marks) | Occurrences |
bridge to the recovery on the other side | 3 |
build a bridge to the recovery on the | 2 |
to build a bridge to the recovery on | 2 |
a bridge to the recovery on the other | 2 |
10 per cent of the size of our | 2 |
per cent of the size of our economy | 2 |
Some top phrases containing 7 words (without punctuation marks) | Occurrences |
bridge to the recovery on the other | 3 |
to the recovery on the other side | 3 |
we must not let them break our | 2 |
build a bridge to the recovery on | 2 |
for at least the next six months | 2 |
10 per cent of the size of | 2 |
cent of the size of our economy | 2 |
per cent of the size of our | 2 |
to build a bridge to the recovery | 2 |
a bridge to the recovery on the | 2 |
Some top phrases containing 6 words (without punctuation marks) | Occurrences |
the recovery on the other side | 3 |
to the recovery on the other | 3 |
bridge to the recovery on the | 3 |
to build a bridge to the | 2 |
that state premiers and chief ministers | 2 |
a bridge to the recovery on | 2 |
10 per cent of the size | 2 |
at least the next six months | 2 |
build a bridge to the recovery | 2 |
per cent of the size of | 2 |
cent of the size of our | 2 |
for at least the next six | 2 |
of the size of our economy | 2 |
we must not let them break | 2 |
must not let them break our | 2 |
Some top phrases containing 5 words (without punctuation marks) | Occurrences |
bridge to the recovery on | 3 |
recovery on the other side | 3 |
state premiers and chief ministers | 3 |
to the recovery on the | 3 |
the recovery on the other | 3 |
per cent of the size | 2 |
they can bounce back strongly | 2 |
that state premiers and chief | 2 |
to build a bridge to | 2 |
the health battle is the | 2 |
build a bridge to the | 2 |
10 per cent of the | 2 |
must not let them break | 2 |
cent of the size of | 2 |
of the size of our | 2 |
i also want to note | 2 |
we must not let them | 2 |
a bridge to the recovery | 2 |
for at least the next | 2 |
least the next six months | 2 |
not let them break our | 2 |
the more we share the | 2 |
the size of our economy | 2 |
at least the next six | 2 |
over the next six months | 2 |
Some top phrases containing 4 words (without punctuation marks) | Occurrences |
on the other side | 7 |
premiers and chief ministers | 5 |
the next six months | 4 |
when it comes to | 3 |
to the recovery on | 3 |
the recovery on the | 3 |
the measures that we | 3 |
i also want to | 3 |
state premiers and chief | 3 |
recovery on the other | 3 |
there will be more | 3 |
bridge to the recovery | 3 |
not let them break | 2 |
the size of our | 2 |
must not let them | 2 |
they need to be | 2 |
at least the next | 2 |
over the course of | 2 |
let them break our | 2 |
over the next six | 2 |
as far as possible | 2 |
least the next six | 2 |
we must not let | 2 |
health battle is the | 2 |
in new south wales | 2 |
state and territory jurisdictions | 2 |
10 per cent of | 2 |
we need you to | 2 |
that state premiers and | 2 |
for at least the | 2 |
build a bridge to | 2 |
cent of the size | 2 |
can bounce back strongly | 2 |
the health battle is | 2 |
also want to note | 2 |
in the months ahead | 2 |
that this is a | 2 |
to cushion the blow | 2 |
per cent of the | 2 |
the more we share | 2 |
the jobseeker payment and | 2 |
to build a bridge | 2 |
of the size of | 2 |
they can bounce back | 2 |
part of the country | 2 |
more we share the | 2 |
parts of the country | 2 |
size of our economy | 2 |
a bridge to the | 2 |
we re a strong | 2 |
Some top phrases containing 3 words (without punctuation marks) | Occurrences |
the other side | 8 |
on the other | 7 |
and chief ministers | 5 |
premiers and chief | 5 |
the measures that | 5 |
need to be | 4 |
next six months | 4 |
state and territory | 4 |
measures that we | 4 |
the next six | 4 |
to ensure that | 4 |
the more we | 4 |
of the country | 4 |
we need you | 4 |
to the recovery | 3 |
the recovery on | 3 |
it comes to | 3 |
recovery on the | 3 |
we will be | 3 |
new south wales | 3 |
also want to | 3 |
when it comes | 3 |
there will be | 3 |
state premiers and | 3 |
will be more | 3 |
there is no | 3 |
i also want | 3 |
bridge to the | 3 |
far as possible | 2 |
be able to | 2 |
over the course | 2 |
we re a | 2 |
least the next | 2 |
as far as | 2 |
battle is the | 2 |
size of our | 2 |
put in place | 2 |
we will experience | 2 |
to make sure | 2 |
to apply in | 2 |
the social distancing | 2 |
part of the | 2 |
in the months | 2 |
them break our | 2 |
measures will be | 2 |
the first blows | 2 |
all the many | 2 |
focusing on those | 2 |
they can bounce | 2 |
let them break | 2 |
that we will | 2 |
need you to | 2 |
the health battle | 2 |
not let them | 2 |
in new south | 2 |
of the coronavirus | 2 |
the course of | 2 |
we have to | 2 |
must not let | 2 |
impacts of the | 2 |
to build a | 2 |
per cent of | 2 |
in the frontline | 2 |
10 per cent | 2 |
the national cabinet | 2 |
and territory jurisdictions | 2 |
build a bridge | 2 |
we can save | 2 |
health battle is | 2 |
set of measures | 2 |
we share the | 2 |
this is a | 2 |
bounce back strongly | 2 |
they need to | 2 |
we must not | 2 |
those who will | 2 |
of the size | 2 |
the months ahead | 2 |
at least the | 2 |
will be coming | 2 |
for at least | 2 |
that they have | 2 |
to deal with | 2 |
we have the | 2 |
re a strong | 2 |
more we share | 2 |
jobseeker payment and | 2 |
federal and state | 2 |
that this is | 2 |
parts of the | 2 |
number of cases | 2 |
to cushion the | 2 |
can bounce back | 2 |
that state premiers | 2 |
cushion the blow | 2 |
get through this | 2 |
the size of | 2 |
of our economy | 2 |
a bridge to | 2 |
over the next | 2 |
want to note | 2 |
cent of the | 2 |
the jobseeker payment | 2 |
Some top phrases containing 2 words (without punctuation marks) | Occurrences |
of the | 17 |
will be | 13 |
the other | 10 |
that we | 9 |
we will | 9 |
other side | 8 |
the more | 8 |
on the | 8 |
to the | 8 |
we have | 7 |
the next | 6 |
and the | 6 |
measures that | 6 |
the measures | 6 |
in the | 6 |
premiers and | 5 |
this is | 5 |
and we | 5 |
and chief | 5 |
we are | 5 |
we need | 5 |
access to | 5 |
chief ministers | 5 |
to be | 4 |
six months | 4 |
as a | 4 |
need to | 4 |
want to | 4 |
to ensure | 4 |
more we | 4 |
have to | 4 |
there is | 4 |
the economic | 4 |
the health | 4 |
that the | 4 |
we can | 4 |
and territory | 4 |
next six | 4 |
social distancing | 4 |
over the | 4 |
need you | 4 |
is the | 4 |
our economy | 4 |
the country | 4 |
ensure that | 4 |
state and | 4 |
going to | 3 |
is no | 3 |
is a | 3 |
the recovery | 3 |
south wales | 3 |
has been | 3 |
and state | 3 |
when it | 3 |
comes to | 3 |
set of | 3 |
new south | 3 |
the coronavirus | 3 |
part of | 3 |
measures will | 3 |
to protect | 3 |
focusing on | 3 |
of measures | 3 |
state premiers | 3 |
break our | 3 |
to make | 3 |
be more | 3 |
it comes | 3 |
there will | 3 |
the treasurer | 3 |
we must | 3 |
at least | 3 |
first blows | 3 |
with the | 3 |
to apply | 3 |
recovery on | 3 |
of our | 3 |
i also | 3 |
of those | 3 |
be the | 3 |
also want | 3 |
bridge to | 3 |
national cabinet | 3 |
those who | 3 |
make sure | 2 |
apply in | 2 |
will experience | 2 |
next meeting | 2 |
australians are | 2 |
let them | 2 |
after consulting | 2 |
to go | 2 |
we re | 2 |
for at | 2 |
territory jurisdictions | 2 |
as we | 2 |
far as | 2 |
re a | 2 |
cent of | 2 |
able to | 2 |
as possible | 2 |
parts of | 2 |
as australians | 2 |
impacts of | 2 |
payment and | 2 |
back strongly | 2 |
to this | 2 |
this evening | 2 |
the first | 2 |
in this | 2 |
on this | 2 |
is that | 2 |
be working | 2 |
not be | 2 |
more australians | 2 |
that australia | 2 |
the social | 2 |
they have | 2 |
that state | 2 |
put in | 2 |
the months | 2 |
against the | 2 |
working closely | 2 |
more support | 2 |
to preserve | 2 |
and other | 2 |
areas of | 2 |
build a | 2 |
health crisis | 2 |
this to | 2 |
which is | 2 |
that is | 2 |
have been | 2 |
you to | 2 |
months ahead | 2 |
support for | 2 |
the blow | 2 |
forward the | 2 |
a strong | 2 |
federal and | 2 |
of cases | 2 |
the virus | 2 |
size of | 2 |
the course | 2 |
most vulnerable | 2 |
that this | 2 |
that they | 2 |
the frontline | 2 |
be coming | 2 |
to deal | 2 |
be necessary | 2 |
per cent | 2 |
we'll be | 2 |
economic impacts | 2 |
and i | 2 |
but we | 2 |
safety net | 2 |
them break | 2 |
in place | 2 |
the normal | 2 |
jobseeker payment | 2 |
battle is | 2 |
essential travel | 2 |
a bridge | 2 |
must not | 2 |
more and | 2 |
they need | 2 |
state jurisdictions | 2 |
all the | 2 |
they will | 2 |
to cushion | 2 |
who will | 2 |
is about | 2 |
can save | 2 |
have the | 2 |
get through | 2 |
deal with | 2 |
battle that | 2 |
bounce back | 2 |
particularly in | 2 |
least the | 2 |
share the | 2 |
on these | 2 |
to their | 2 |
of their | 2 |
can bounce | 2 |
the national | 2 |
the size | 2 |
issues of | 2 |
our most | 2 |
we share | 2 |
course of | 2 |
health battle | 2 |
measures to | 2 |
the many | 2 |
be able | 2 |
as far | 2 |
to get | 2 |
the medical | 2 |
defence forces | 2 |
benefit payments | 2 |
lives and | 2 |
to note | 2 |
in new | 2 |
these measures | 2 |
provide a | 2 |
10 per | 2 |
on those | 2 |
number of | 2 |
through this | 2 |
that means | 2 |
them through | 2 |
the jobseeker | 2 |
the rules | 2 |
to support | 2 |
these issues | 2 |
that are | 2 |
that all | 2 |
they can | 2 |
to build | 2 |
stronger measures | 2 |
who are | 2 |
which means | 2 |
those measures | 2 |
cushion the | 2 |
not let | 2 |
Unfiltered word count:
Order | Unfiltered word count | Occurrences | Percentage |
1. | the | 119 | 6.6892 |
2. | to | 81 | 4.5531 |
3. | and | 59 | 3.3165 |
4. | we | 55 | 3.0916 |
5. | of | 51 | 2.8668 |
6. | that | 43 | 2.4171 |
7. | be | 31 | 1.7426 |
8. | in | 28 | 1.5739 |
9. | is | 25 | 1.4053 |
10. | will | 25 | 1.4053 |
11. | on | 22 | 1.2366 |
12. | more | 22 | 1.2366 |
13. | as | 21 | 1.1804 |
14. | this | 21 | 1.1804 |
15. | a | 19 | 1.0680 |
16. | measures | 17 | 0.9556 |
17. | our | 17 | 0.9556 |
18. | other | 16 | 0.8994 |
19. | are | 16 | 0.8994 |
20. | have | 14 | 0.7870 |
21. | those | 14 | 0.7870 |
22. | with | 13 | 0.7307 |
23. | all | 12 | 0.6745 |
24. | state | 11 | 0.6183 |
25. | they | 10 | 0.5621 |
26. | these | 10 | 0.5621 |
27. | there | 9 | 0.5059 |
28. | can | 9 | 0.5059 |
29. | need | 9 | 0.5059 |
30. | at | 8 | 0.4497 |
31. | it | 8 | 0.4497 |
32. | so | 8 | 0.4497 |
33. | through | 8 | 0.4497 |
34. | for | 8 | 0.4497 |
35. | not | 8 | 0.4497 |
36. | also | 8 | 0.4497 |
37. | australians | 8 | 0.4497 |
38. | you | 8 | 0.4497 |
39. | side | 8 | 0.4497 |
40. | i | 7 | 0.3935 |
41. | health | 7 | 0.3935 |
42. | next | 7 | 0.3935 |
43. | what | 7 | 0.3935 |
44. | support | 7 | 0.3935 |
45. | ministers | 7 | 0.3935 |
46. | or | 6 | 0.3373 |
47. | been | 6 | 0.3373 |
48. | access | 6 | 0.3373 |
49. | working | 6 | 0.3373 |
50. | their | 6 | 0.3373 |
51. | but | 6 | 0.3373 |
52. | jurisdictions | 6 | 0.3373 |
53. | when | 6 | 0.3373 |
54. | months | 6 | 0.3373 |
55. | over | 5 | 0.2811 |
56. | them | 5 | 0.2811 |
57. | issues | 5 | 0.2811 |
58. | essential | 5 | 0.2811 |
59. | means | 5 | 0.2811 |
60. | country | 5 | 0.2811 |
61. | premiers | 5 | 0.2811 |
62. | economic | 5 | 0.2811 |
63. | get | 5 | 0.2811 |
64. | may | 5 | 0.2811 |
65. | blows | 5 | 0.2811 |
66. | which | 5 | 0.2811 |
67. | chief | 5 | 0.2811 |
68. | distancing | 5 | 0.2811 |
69. | crisis | 4 | 0.2248 |
70. | ensure | 4 | 0.2248 |
71. | stronger | 4 | 0.2248 |
72. | payments | 4 | 0.2248 |
73. | territory | 4 | 0.2248 |
74. | economy | 4 | 0.2248 |
75. | australia | 4 | 0.2248 |
76. | treasurer | 4 | 0.2248 |
77. | first | 4 | 0.2248 |
78. | make | 4 | 0.2248 |
79. | many | 4 | 0.2248 |
80. | medical | 4 | 0.2248 |
81. | about | 4 | 0.2248 |
82. | outbreaks | 4 | 0.2248 |
83. | comes | 4 | 0.2248 |
84. | most | 4 | 0.2248 |
85. | cabinet | 4 | 0.2248 |
86. | we're | 4 | 0.2248 |
87. | it's | 4 | 0.2248 |
88. | together | 4 | 0.2248 |
89. | apply | 4 | 0.2248 |
90. | want | 4 | 0.2248 |
91. | has | 4 | 0.2248 |
92. | businesses | 4 | 0.2248 |
93. | six | 4 | 0.2248 |
94. | who | 4 | 0.2248 |
95. | national | 4 | 0.2248 |
96. | social | 4 | 0.2248 |
97. | battle | 4 | 0.2248 |
98. | matters | 3 | 0.1686 |
99. | no | 3 | 0.1686 |
100. | impacts | 3 | 0.1686 |
101. | provide | 3 | 0.1686 |
102. | against | 3 | 0.1686 |
103. | areas | 3 | 0.1686 |
104. | forward | 3 | 0.1686 |
105. | virus | 3 | 0.1686 |
106. | know | 3 | 0.1686 |
107. | particularly | 3 | 0.1686 |
108. | livelihoods | 3 | 0.1686 |
109. | break | 3 | 0.1686 |
110. | part | 3 | 0.1686 |
111. | meeting | 3 | 0.1686 |
112. | taking | 3 | 0.1686 |
113. | last | 3 | 0.1686 |
114. | wales | 3 | 0.1686 |
115. | fight | 3 | 0.1686 |
116. | like | 3 | 0.1686 |
117. | coming | 3 | 0.1686 |
118. | strong | 3 | 0.1686 |
119. | south | 3 | 0.1686 |
120. | cases | 3 | 0.1686 |
121. | bridge | 3 | 0.1686 |
122. | coronavirus | 3 | 0.1686 |
123. | very | 3 | 0.1686 |
124. | protect | 3 | 0.1686 |
125. | least | 3 | 0.1686 |
126. | jobseeker | 3 | 0.1686 |
127. | rules | 3 | 0.1686 |
128. | must | 3 | 0.1686 |
129. | healthy | 3 | 0.1686 |
130. | lives | 3 | 0.1686 |
131. | going | 3 | 0.1686 |
132. | themselves | 3 | 0.1686 |
133. | far | 3 | 0.1686 |
134. | able | 3 | 0.1686 |
135. | week | 3 | 0.1686 |
136. | let | 3 | 0.1686 |
137. | experience | 3 | 0.1686 |
138. | new | 3 | 0.1686 |
139. | now | 3 | 0.1686 |
140. | one | 3 | 0.1686 |
141. | out | 3 | 0.1686 |
142. | recovery | 3 | 0.1686 |
143. | per | 3 | 0.1686 |
144. | even | 3 | 0.1686 |
145. | travel | 3 | 0.1686 |
146. | set | 3 | 0.1686 |
147. | save | 3 | 0.1686 |
148. | face | 3 | 0.1686 |
149. | important | 3 | 0.1686 |
150. | some | 3 | 0.1686 |
151. | people | 3 | 0.1686 |
152. | focusing | 3 | 0.1686 |
153. | back | 2 | 0.1124 |
154. | 10 | 2 | 0.1124 |
155. | severe | 2 | 0.1124 |
156. | sure | 2 | 0.1124 |
157. | do | 2 | 0.1124 |
158. | go | 2 | 0.1124 |
159. | if | 2 | 0.1124 |
160. | re | 2 | 0.1124 |
161. | us | 2 | 0.1124 |
162. | arrangements | 2 | 0.1124 |
163. | from | 2 | 0.1124 |
164. | income | 2 | 0.1124 |
165. | parts | 2 | 0.1124 |
166. | preserve | 2 | 0.1124 |
167. | federal | 2 | 0.1124 |
168. | blow | 2 | 0.1124 |
169. | sydney | 2 | 0.1124 |
170. | possible | 2 | 0.1124 |
171. | benefit | 2 | 0.1124 |
172. | than | 2 | 0.1124 |
173. | hardships | 2 | 0.1124 |
174. | strongly | 2 | 0.1124 |
175. | sacrifices | 2 | 0.1124 |
176. | point | 2 | 0.1124 |
177. | frontline | 2 | 0.1124 |
178. | indeed | 2 | 0.1124 |
179. | bounce | 2 | 0.1124 |
180. | leaders | 2 | 0.1124 |
181. | individual | 2 | 0.1124 |
182. | supplies | 2 | 0.1124 |
183. | forces | 2 | 0.1124 |
184. | they'll | 2 | 0.1124 |
185. | already | 2 | 0.1124 |
186. | closely | 2 | 0.1124 |
187. | further | 2 | 0.1124 |
188. | minister | 2 | 0.1124 |
189. | cent | 2 | 0.1124 |
190. | today | 2 | 0.1124 |
191. | supercharging | 2 | 0.1124 |
192. | your | 2 | 0.1124 |
193. | announced | 2 | 0.1124 |
194. | hundreds | 2 | 0.1124 |
195. | necessary | 2 | 0.1124 |
196. | things | 2 | 0.1124 |
197. | place | 2 | 0.1124 |
198. | stick | 2 | 0.1124 |
199. | package | 2 | 0.1124 |
200. | deal | 2 | 0.1124 |
201. | after | 2 | 0.1124 |
202. | challenges | 2 | 0.1124 |
203. | yesterday | 2 | 0.1124 |
204. | number | 2 | 0.1124 |
205. | cushion | 2 | 0.1124 |
206. | quick | 2 | 0.1124 |
207. | assist | 2 | 0.1124 |
208. | message | 2 | 0.1124 |
209. | activities | 2 | 0.1124 |
210. | addressing | 2 | 0.1124 |
211. | share | 2 | 0.1124 |
212. | course | 2 | 0.1124 |
213. | vulnerable | 2 | 0.1124 |
214. | night | 2 | 0.1124 |
215. | we'll | 2 | 0.1124 |
216. | we've | 2 | 0.1124 |
217. | add | 2 | 0.1124 |
218. | announcements | 2 | 0.1124 |
219. | normal | 2 | 0.1124 |
220. | needs | 2 | 0.1124 |
221. | consistent | 2 | 0.1124 |
222. | how | 2 | 0.1124 |
223. | distance | 2 | 0.1124 |
224. | level | 2 | 0.1124 |
225. | net | 2 | 0.1124 |
226. | note | 2 | 0.1124 |
227. | ahead | 2 | 0.1124 |
228. | put | 2 | 0.1124 |
229. | evening | 2 | 0.1124 |
230. | see | 2 | 0.1124 |
231. | build | 2 | 0.1124 |
232. | work | 2 | 0.1124 |
233. | keeping | 2 | 0.1124 |
234. | seen | 2 | 0.1124 |
235. | defence | 2 | 0.1124 |
236. | safety | 2 | 0.1124 |
237. | size | 2 | 0.1124 |
238. | payment | 2 | 0.1124 |
239. | feel | 2 | 0.1124 |
240. | consulting | 2 | 0.1124 |
241. | compassionate | 1 | 0.0562 |
242. | result | 1 | 0.0562 |
243. | states | 1 | 0.0562 |
244. | remember | 1 | 0.0562 |
245. | needed | 1 | 0.0562 |
246. | immediately | 1 | 0.0562 |
247. | outbreak | 1 | 0.0562 |
248. | sums | 1 | 0.0562 |
249. | by | 1 | 0.0562 |
250. | panel | 1 | 0.0562 |
251. | form | 1 | 0.0562 |
252. | four | 1 | 0.0562 |
253. | ll | 1 | 0.0562 |
254. | me | 1 | 0.0562 |
255. | my | 1 | 0.0562 |
256. | up | 1 | 0.0562 |
257. | localised | 1 | 0.0562 |
258. | weapon | 1 | 0.0562 |
259. | okay | 1 | 0.0562 |
260. | brought | 1 | 0.0562 |
261. | only | 1 | 0.0562 |
262. | physical | 1 | 0.0562 |
263. | sized | 1 | 0.0562 |
264. | comprise | 1 | 0.0562 |
265. | prepared | 1 | 0.0562 |
266. | recommend | 1 | 0.0562 |
267. | keep | 1 | 0.0562 |
268. | doesn't | 1 | 0.0562 |
269. | mobilising | 1 | 0.0562 |
270. | rising | 1 | 0.0562 |
271. | backgrounds | 1 | 0.0562 |
272. | take | 1 | 0.0562 |
273. | cancelled | 1 | 0.0562 |
274. | task | 1 | 0.0562 |
275. | scheduled | 1 | 0.0562 |
276. | kick | 1 | 0.0562 |
277. | range | 1 | 0.0562 |
278. | under | 1 | 0.0562 |
279. | possibly | 1 | 0.0562 |
280. | training | 1 | 0.0562 |
281. | industry | 1 | 0.0562 |
282. | workers | 1 | 0.0562 |
283. | visit | 1 | 0.0562 |
284. | generations | 1 | 0.0562 |
285. | securing | 1 | 0.0562 |
286. | time | 1 | 0.0562 |
287. | enforcing | 1 | 0.0562 |
288. | movements | 1 | 0.0562 |
289. | reassemble | 1 | 0.0562 |
290. | annual | 1 | 0.0562 |
291. | taken | 1 | 0.0562 |
292. | i'll | 1 | 0.0562 |
293. | gets | 1 | 0.0562 |
294. | i've | 1 | 0.0562 |
295. | enforce | 1 | 0.0562 |
296. | past | 1 | 0.0562 |
297. | beach | 1 | 0.0562 |
298. | leading | 1 | 0.0562 |
299. | moving | 1 | 0.0562 |
300. | necessarily | 1 | 0.0562 |
301. | bring | 1 | 0.0562 |
302. | scalable | 1 | 0.0562 |
303. | groups | 1 | 0.0562 |
304. | passed | 1 | 0.0562 |
305. | tranche | 1 | 0.0562 |
306. | case | 1 | 0.0562 |
307. | care | 1 | 0.0562 |
308. | enough | 1 | 0.0562 |
309. | increase | 1 | 0.0562 |
310. | goes | 1 | 0.0562 |
311. | turn | 1 | 0.0562 |
312. | who've | 1 | 0.0562 |
313. | being | 1 | 0.0562 |
314. | advantage | 1 | 0.0562 |
315. | plea | 1 | 0.0562 |
316. | expenditure | 1 | 0.0562 |
317. | foremost | 1 | 0.0562 |
318. | weight | 1 | 0.0562 |
319. | governments | 1 | 0.0562 |
320. | dealt | 1 | 0.0562 |
321. | comply | 1 | 0.0562 |
322. | example | 1 | 0.0562 |
323. | others | 1 | 0.0562 |
324. | decided | 1 | 0.0562 |
325. | consideration | 1 | 0.0562 |
326. | haven't | 1 | 0.0562 |
327. | life | 1 | 0.0562 |
328. | come | 1 | 0.0562 |
329. | conceived | 1 | 0.0562 |
330. | line | 1 | 0.0562 |
331. | hearts | 1 | 0.0562 |
332. | unprecedented | 1 | 0.0562 |
333. | period | 1 | 0.0562 |
334. | rental | 1 | 0.0562 |
335. | occur | 1 | 0.0562 |
336. | global | 1 | 0.0562 |
337. | assistance | 1 | 0.0562 |
338. | 000 | 1 | 0.0562 |
339. | resourcing | 1 | 0.0562 |
340. | benefits | 1 | 0.0562 |
341. | change | 1 | 0.0562 |
342. | draconian | 1 | 0.0562 |
343. | resolve | 1 | 0.0562 |
344. | hard | 1 | 0.0562 |
345. | gained | 1 | 0.0562 |
346. | spirit | 1 | 0.0562 |
347. | commonwealth | 1 | 0.0562 |
348. | load | 1 | 0.0562 |
349. | workforce | 1 | 0.0562 |
350. | double | 1 | 0.0562 |
351. | great | 1 | 0.0562 |
352. | feeling | 1 | 0.0562 |
353. | contract | 1 | 0.0562 |
354. | tools | 1 | 0.0562 |
355. | help | 1 | 0.0562 |
356. | here | 1 | 0.0562 |
357. | suggestions | 1 | 0.0562 |
358. | grants | 1 | 0.0562 |
359. | steel | 1 | 0.0562 |
360. | keenly | 1 | 0.0562 |
361. | daily | 1 | 0.0562 |
362. | referring | 1 | 0.0562 |
363. | following | 1 | 0.0562 |
364. | should | 1 | 0.0562 |
365. | making | 1 | 0.0562 |
366. | personnel | 1 | 0.0562 |
367. | bringing | 1 | 0.0562 |
368. | primary | 1 | 0.0562 |
369. | sacrifice | 1 | 0.0562 |
370. | fortnight | 1 | 0.0562 |
371. | stabilizers | 1 | 0.0562 |
372. | because | 1 | 0.0562 |
373. | nonessential | 1 | 0.0562 |
374. | carry | 1 | 0.0562 |
375. | capacity | 1 | 0.0562 |
376. | assured | 1 | 0.0562 |
377. | days | 1 | 0.0562 |
378. | group | 1 | 0.0562 |
379. | increased | 1 | 0.0562 |
380. | it'll | 1 | 0.0562 |
381. | inspiration | 1 | 0.0562 |
382. | lessons | 1 | 0.0562 |
383. | better | 1 | 0.0562 |
384. | made | 1 | 0.0562 |
385. | main | 1 | 0.0562 |
386. | across | 1 | 0.0562 |
387. | hospitals | 1 | 0.0562 |
388. | supporting | 1 | 0.0562 |
389. | cabinets | 1 | 0.0562 |
390. | tracing | 1 | 0.0562 |
391. | mean | 1 | 0.0562 |
392. | solution | 1 | 0.0562 |
393. | australian | 1 | 0.0562 |
394. | $100 | 1 | 0.0562 |
395. | bondi | 1 | 0.0562 |
396. | $189 | 1 | 0.0562 |
397. | premier | 1 | 0.0562 |
398. | done | 1 | 0.0562 |
399. | down | 1 | 0.0562 |
400. | failed | 1 | 0.0562 |
401. | happening | 1 | 0.0562 |
402. | medium | 1 | 0.0562 |
403. | knowledge | 1 | 0.0562 |
404. | seriously | 1 | 0.0562 |
405. | resources | 1 | 0.0562 |
406. | ruins | 1 | 0.0562 |
407. | prevent | 1 | 0.0562 |
408. | recipients | 1 | 0.0562 |
409. | spread | 1 | 0.0562 |
410. | facilities | 1 | 0.0562 |
411. | doing | 1 | 0.0562 |
412. | review | 1 | 0.0562 |
413. | don't | 1 | 0.0562 |
414. | require | 1 | 0.0562 |
415. | enlisted | 1 | 0.0562 |
416. | grounds | 1 | 0.0562 |
417. | running | 1 | 0.0562 |
418. | might | 1 | 0.0562 |
419. | happened | 1 | 0.0562 |
420. | looking | 1 | 0.0562 |
421. | much | 1 | 0.0562 |
422. | committee | 1 | 0.0562 |
423. | focus | 1 | 0.0562 |
424. | whether | 1 | 0.0562 |
425. | could | 1 | 0.0562 |
426. | rural | 1 | 0.0562 |
427. | identification | 1 | 0.0562 |
428. | expert | 1 | 0.0562 |
429. | types | 1 | 0.0562 |
430. | podiums | 1 | 0.0562 |
431. | thank | 1 | 0.0562 |
432. | each | 1 | 0.0562 |
433. | ourselves | 1 | 0.0562 |
434. | around | 1 | 0.0562 |
435. | combined | 1 | 0.0562 |
436. | additional | 1 | 0.0562 |
437. | within | 1 | 0.0562 |
438. | anyone | 1 | 0.0562 |
439. | setting | 1 | 0.0562 |
440. | packages | 1 | 0.0562 |
441. | ask | 1 | 0.0562 |
442. | greater | 1 | 0.0562 |
443. | bit | 1 | 0.0562 |
444. | bankruptcy | 1 | 0.0562 |
445. | thing | 1 | 0.0562 |
446. | day | 1 | 0.0562 |
447. | scaling | 1 | 0.0562 |
448. | presented | 1 | 0.0562 |
449. | fix | 1 | 0.0562 |
450. | nation | 1 | 0.0562 |
451. | recent | 1 | 0.0562 |
452. | i'd | 1 | 0.0562 |
453. | tonight | 1 | 0.0562 |
454. | had | 1 | 0.0562 |
455. | small | 1 | 0.0562 |
456. | before | 1 | 0.0562 |
457. | its | 1 | 0.0562 |
458. | significant | 1 | 0.0562 |
459. | between | 1 | 0.0562 |
460. | were | 1 | 0.0562 |
461. | someone | 1 | 0.0562 |
462. | pressure | 1 | 0.0562 |
463. | met | 1 | 0.0562 |
464. | aged | 1 | 0.0562 |
465. | carers | 1 | 0.0562 |
466. | detail | 1 | 0.0562 |
467. | non | 1 | 0.0562 |
468. | eligibility | 1 | 0.0562 |
469. | otherwise | 1 | 0.0562 |
470. | issue | 1 | 0.0562 |
471. | own | 1 | 0.0562 |
472. | friday | 1 | 0.0562 |
473. | clear | 1 | 0.0562 |
474. | system | 1 | 0.0562 |
475. | where | 1 | 0.0562 |
476. | aren't | 1 | 0.0562 |
477. | pensioners | 1 | 0.0562 |
478. | tax | 1 | 0.0562 |
479. | said | 1 | 0.0562 |
480. | podium | 1 | 0.0562 |
481. | top | 1 | 0.0562 |
482. | too | 1 | 0.0562 |
483. | two | 1 | 0.0562 |
484. | right | 1 | 0.0562 |
485. | occasion | 1 | 0.0562 |
486. | use | 1 | 0.0562 |
487. | another | 1 | 0.0562 |
488. | was | 1 | 0.0562 |
489. | while | 1 | 0.0562 |
490. | sustainable | 1 | 0.0562 |
491. | shield | 1 | 0.0562 |
492. | please | 1 | 0.0562 |
493. | commend | 1 | 0.0562 |
494. | advice | 1 | 0.0562 |
495. | overnight | 1 | 0.0562 |
496. | local | 1 | 0.0562 |
497. | decisions | 1 | 0.0562 |
498. | billion | 1 | 0.0562 |
499. | related | 1 | 0.0562 |
500. | considering | 1 | 0.0562 |
501. | dollars | 1 | 0.0562 |
502. | away | 1 | 0.0562 |
503. | couldn't | 1 | 0.0562 |
504. | served | 1 | 0.0562 |
505. | recently | 1 | 0.0562 |
506. | respecting | 1 | 0.0562 |
507. | family | 1 | 0.0562 |
508. | perth | 1 | 0.0562 |
509. | actions | 1 | 0.0562 |
510. | shutdown | 1 | 0.0562 |
511. | just | 1 | 0.0562 |
512. | find | 1 | 0.0562 |
513. | wherever | 1 | 0.0562 |
514. | cannot | 1 | 0.0562 |
515. | expanding | 1 | 0.0562 |
516. | simple | 1 | 0.0562 |
517. | insolvency | 1 | 0.0562 |
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